God has chosen you, you are special

  God has chosen you, you are special

God has chosen you, you are special
God has chosen you, you are special 

1. Introduction 

Have you ever felt like you're just a small fish in a big pond? Like you can't change the world because you're not outstanding or good enough? I'm here to advise you, though, so listen up! You are unique and God has selected you. Although that may sound like something your mother would say to you when you're down, please consider what I'm saying.

Humans tend to assume that we aren't as excellent or deserving of things as others and compare ourselves to them. But the truth is, God doesn't work that way. He doesn't choose the "best" or the "most deserving" people, He chooses who He wants when He wants, and for His own reasons. He chooses people like Abraham, who was far from perfect, to be the father of many nations. He chooses people like Paul, who once persecuted Christians, to become one of the greatest evangelists in history. And He selects individuals like you and me to carry out His mission and plan for our life. So, don't let your feelings of inadequacy hold you back from being the special and chosen individual that God created you to be.

2. God's plan for each person

God's plan for each person is a mystery that is hard to understand and even harder to accept. It's necessary to keep in mind that God does not think or act in ways that correspond to our own.  He has a broader perspective than we have, and He is aware of our best interests even when we are not.

One of the most comforting things about God's plan is that it's not based on our merit or deservingness. It's based on His grace and love. He doesn't choose us because we're good enough or because we've earned it, He chooses us because He wants to. It's like a parent choosing their child, it's not based on the child's abilities or accomplishments, it's based on the parent's love for them. That's how God feels about us, He loves us unconditionally and He chooses us for His own reasons.

It's also important to note that God's plan for each person is not always easy. It's not always a smooth road with no bumps or detours. It's not always a life of comfort and luxury. Sometimes it's a life of challenges and difficulties, but it's through these challenges that we grow and learn to rely on God. It's through these challenges that we become more like Jesus.

God's plan for each person is unique and tailored to the individual. It's not a one-size-fits-all kind of plan. He doesn't choose everyone to be a missionary in Africa or a pastor in a big church. He chooses some to be stay-at-home moms, some to be doctors, some to be teachers, and some to be janitors. He chooses some to be famous and some to be unknown. But no matter what He chooses for us, it's all for His glory and for our good.

So, instead of worrying about whether we're good enough or whether we're on the right path, let's trust that God knows what He's doing. Let's have faith that He has a wonderful plan for us. Let's put our faith in Him to lead and steer us in the way He desires. Let's put our faith in Him to utilize us for both His and others' good. And let's trust that, in the end, we will look back and see that everything He had planned for us was perfect.

3. God's choice is not based on merit

As humans, we often think that God's choice is based on merit. We think that if we're good enough, if we've done enough good things, if we've earned it, then God will choose us. But the truth is, God's choice is not based on merit, it's based on His grace and love. He doesn't choose us because we're good enough or because we've earned it, He chooses us because He wants to.

Do you remember a time when you made a friend or relationship based only on their merits? Based on their abilities or accomplishments? Of course not! You choose them. After all, you like them because you enjoy spending time with them because you love them. God's choice works the same way. He chooses us not because we're the best or the most deserving, He chooses us because He loves us.

There are several instances of this idea in the Bible. For instance, before becoming one of the greatest missionaries in history, Paul persecuted Christians. He wasn't chosen because he was good enough or because he had earned it, he was chosen because God loved him and had a plan for him. Similarly, David was a young shepherd before he became a king, He was chosen because God saw in him what others didn't.

God's choice is not based on merit, it's based on His grace and love. He chooses us not because we're the best or the most deserving, He chooses us because He loves us. So, don't let your feelings of inadequacy hold you back from being the special and chosen individual that God created you to be.

4. Having been selected by God comes with duties

Being chosen by God comes with a great deal of responsibilities, but also with a great deal of blessings. It's not a free ticket to an easy life, but it's a call to serve and spread God's message. It's a call to be a light in the darkness, to be a salt in the earth, to be a voice for the voiceless. It's a call to represent your best self and to become the unique individual God made you be.

For example, when God chose Abraham, He didn't only choose him to be the father of many nations, He also chose him to be a servant of God, to follow His commandments, to spread his message, and to be an example of faith to others. Similarly, when God chose Mary, He didn't only choose her to be the mother of Jesus, He also chose her to be an obedient servant, to bring forth the savior of the world, and to be an example of faith and humility to others.

Being chosen by God also means that you will face challenges and difficulties, but it's through these challenges that you will grow and learn to rely on God. It's through these challenges that you will become more like Jesus. It's through these challenges that you will be able to help others and be an example of faith, hope, and love.

So, if you feel that God has chosen you, don't take it lightly. Don't think that it's an easy road or a free pass. It's an opportunity to assist and to be your best self. It's a call to be a light in the darkness, to be a salt in the earth, and to be a voice for the voiceless. It's a call to be obedient and humble, to follow God's commandments, and to spread His message. It's a call to be a chosen one, to be special, and to make a difference in the world.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, we've explored the topic of God choosing individuals as special. We've seen that God has a plan for each person and that being chosen by Him is a part of that plan. We've also seen that God's choice is not based on merit, but on His grace and love. We've discussed the responsibilities that come with being chosen by God, such as serving and spreading His message. And we've emphasized the importance of humility and obedience in fulfilling one's responsibilities as a chosen individual.

It's crucial to keep in mind that God does things differently than we do and that His thoughts are not the same as ours. He has a broader perspective than we have, and He is aware of our best interests even when we are not. He chooses us not because we're the best or the most deserving, He chooses us because He loves us. And He chooses us to fulfill His plan and purpose in our lives.

So, instead of worrying about whether we're good enough or whether we're on the right path, let's trust that God knows what He's doing. Let's trust that He has a plan for us and that it's good. Let's put our faith in Him to lead and direct us in the way He desires. Let's have faith that He will utilize us for both His and others' good. And let's trust that, in the end, we will look back and see that everything He had planned for us was perfect.

In the end, let's remember that we are special and chosen by God, let's not let our feelings of inadequacy hold us back from fulfilling our responsibilities as chosen individuals, let's trust in God's plan, and let's make a difference in the world.

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